In December 2008, TM Streamyx connection was slow due to the disruption of their Internet services caused by circuit fault on the Southeast Asia – Middle East – Western Europe 4 (SMW4) submarine cable network between Palermo (Southern Italy) and Alexandria (Northern Egypt) linking Malaysia to Europe.
On January 06, 2009, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) announced to her customers that the restoration works on the Southeast Asia – Middle East – Western Europe 4 (SMW4) submarine cable network between Palermo (Southern Italy) and Alexandria (Northern Egypt) linking Malaysia to Europe, has been fully completed.
However, come February 2009, TM Streamyx connection still sucks and frequently disconnected. Apparently their technology infrastructure still sucks.

Yes you are right. The 'sluggishness' continues even after the restoration is completed. Sometime I feel like crying, shouting but what can I do? The service is very pathetic and cannot be tolerated. We pay monthly and never miss and this is how they treated us.
I shall wait for P1 to conquer this madness...
LoL, sorry for my posting coz i din c the notice that i've submitted my comments >_<;
Agreed. I had to wait 10 full minutes for Facebook to load on my desktop. Now I'm forced to check updates and tweet on my iPod touch where the speed is bearable, although there's still hiccups along the way. If there's any ISP out there that can break TMNut Screamyx monopoly in Malaysia I'll be the first in line to sign up.
Screw you Screamyx. Screw you.
Are you really having b-r-o-a-d-band?
Click this links to check
What is Broadband? (
Connection speeds and download limits (
Is telephone cable the same as road highways?
1. Roads during peak period will have traffic jams.
2. However, telephone cables are similar to TNB cables.
3. One electric cable from TNB is connected to a row of terrace houses.
4. Bear in mind the usage of electricity is 24 hours per day in every house. Peak usage is during the night with TVs, airconds etc. Do you experience low voltage? Power surge perhaps.
5. Is broadband usage 24 hours? Is every house using broadband?
1. I urge everyone to check whether you are getting the download speed that you subscribed from streamyx. For your info, you should get at least 90%.
2. Please click this link to see how much speed you get. Click a few times to confirm. (
3. If you are getting below 50%, please do a print screen.
4. To do a print screen, put your cursor at the down right hand corner (put the cursor at the time) to get the date and day appear. Once appear, press together the keyboard buttons ctrl and prt sc.
5. Next click start, All Programs, Accessories, Paint
6. Press keyboard buttons ctrl and v
7. Then File, Save As (put a name) Save into your desktop
8. Send it as attachment to,,
9. They need your support and evidence to bring up to TM
10. Please support for everyone benefit
Another 'GOOD NEWS'!
PETALING JAYA: Streamyx broadband users will have to bear with sluggish surfing speeds until March 5 due to technical problems, according to Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM).
TM said in a statement that there has been a disruption of TM’s Internet services since Feb 18 due to circuit faults on the Asia Pacific Cable Network 2 (APCN2) between Malaysia and the United States.
Due to this, customers using Internet services may now experience slow browsing while accessing content hosted in the United States, said the statement.
Additionally, customers using Internet Protocol services such as Virtual Private Network (VPN) and other critical business applications linked to the United States may also experience some service degradation.
To alleviate the problem and ease the congestion, some links have been rerouted, TM said.
During restoration process, traffic to North America may experience minor degradation while traffic to other countries would not be affected.
You are right,I even fuck the TM management cause of slow connection but they still cannot improve.Maybe they like to get fuck.
hey it's june 2009, and streamyx still suck. extremely slow. i wish streamyx just got burned down
Oh, man. Pity TM... Are you still using what so called submarine cable??? Dear TM in 21st century, there is a MODERN and LATEST or maybe GREATEST technology, called WIMAX!!!! It is wireless!!! Don't need what copper phone line to plug here and there.
Their customer service also sucks!!! They receive your money and just do nothing, whatever and whenever you call them. They just make your hear some 'background music' (sounds nice too). And tell you do stupid things.
Moreover, Streamyx is noob and slow. And, there is always disconnect occurred. They won't serve you the speed that stated in contract. What you can see is only 10 kbps running while you're downloading files. It takes many many time to wait it finish. Probably, you get old still cannot finish download the file yet. HAHA
In the nutshell, Streamyx has freaking damn bad reputation. As you ask any pedestrian about their opinion and comments on Streamyx. What you get is #$%&@&*. HAHA, that's right!!!
Streamyx= Slowest broadband ever. Perhaps, TM should take part in Guinness World Record to create a new record, named The Lousy, Irresponsible, Frequently Disconnect, Cheating To Customer and Advance-Phobia ISP Ever. I think TM sure get the honour!!!
the problem is.. P1 is wireless.. And coverage is not available everywhere.. Just in kl.. And in my opinion streamyx doesnt suck after all.. I usually got full speed.. 1mbps.. 110kbytes per sec.. If i use download manager.. Just sometimes, only sometimes it does get really fucking slow.. For example right now i cant even fucking load a fucking youtube video for the fucking 100 times.. So.. Be patient.. 1malaysia gonna do something aye? Irony is.. I got ping of 43ms for But speed is slow for some reason.. So.. Usually its because the prob at the hosting site.. Not us.. The net traffic is not congested.. Well streamyx can be described as a huge intranet.. Instead of internet.. I loaded local sites faster than you can blink.. I'm confused..
Streamyx!!!! Seriously the most problem connection I ever had and their Customer Service makes me laugh all the time. I switched to Maxis Broadband more or less the same with Streamyx. Celcom Broadband! haha they are in the same boat kayuh punyer kayuh tapi tak sampai2x . I think Broadband industry in Malaysia is very bad! Maybe they should change that Broadband term into Slowband! it will help to reduce stress and disappointment with their customers since they have a clear “picture” on the connection. I think anak babi berlari lagi cepat siot….
Yes, I agreed. Maxis, P1 , digi etc is faster than the boardband served by the TmNet. And their services, too, better than TmNet
worstly, I compared with last time my 56K dial up. I think 56K dial up is faster than the boardband nowadays.
really....I have no idea why Streamyx has such a poor speed. Streamyx = Snailx??
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